How to calculate the conversion rate

Conversion is used to measure how often a goal is achieved, i.e., what percentage of your visitors take the actions you want. For example, how many of your visitors sign up for a newsletter, register an account, or complete a certain number of steps in a guide. In e-commerce, conversion usually refers to how many of your visitors complete a purchase.

Apr 2, 2024

Conversion Rate (CR)

Conversion is used to measure how often a goal is achieved, i.e., what percentage of your visitors take the actions you want. For example, how many of your visitors sign up for a newsletter, register an account, or complete a certain number of steps in a guide. In e-commerce, conversion usually refers to how many of your visitors complete a purchase.

Here's how to calculate the conversion rate for your e-commerce:

If you have 100 visitors and three of those visitors choose to place an order, your conversion rate is 3% (3/100=0.03).

Tips to Improve Your Conversion Rate

Working to improve conversion is often a great investment. Examples of things that can increase conversion in an e-commerce store include having a simple and clear site that is easy to navigate, making it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for.

It’s also very important to have a simple and clear checkout process with as few steps as possible to complete a purchase. Providing clear information about shipping costs and options is crucial. It’s also helpful to make contact information easy to find, and if there are positive customer reviews of your products, displaying them can often increase conversion.

Automatically Track Conversion with was created to help both large and small e-commerce businesses easily gather their key metrics and track them over time. You get all the numbers delivered to your phone every day without having to dig through multiple systems to compile your own report. connects to your systems, automatically gathers all the data, and sends it to you daily. You'll always have full control without needing to chase down and search for data.

Right now, all new users get one month free, so feel free to try it out and see if it helps you gain better control of your e-commerce!